Physician credentialing services

Credentialing services:

The process of verifying a provider’s qualifications to make sure that they can provide care to patients is known as credentialing services. Most health insurance companies had made this process mandatory including CMS/Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial plans, as well as hospitals and surgery centers. 

We at National Integrated HealthCare Group provide the best and convenient credentialing services which are carried out by our experienced and professional experts.

Physician credentialing services: 

Physician Credentialing services is very important and applauded services that enable patients to utilize their insurance plan to pay for medical services consumed and enables the provider to get reimbursed for the medical services provided. This credentialing service is a boon for healthcare providers as it helps them credentialed with maximum payer sources so that patients can use their insurance plans at your practice. 

The process of getting a provider credentialed with a payer source is not easy and involves a lot of manual work in terms of completing the application forms, providing clarifications to questions from payer sources and following up with them to close the credentialing request but we handle all these issues with care and honesty. Our team of experienced analysts can handle all your issues cost-effectively.

Our process:

The process of credentialing service is complicated but it is a need of an hour. In this competitive era, one must opt for this service done by the experts as it expedites the timeline for completing the credentialing process. The Credentialing process managed by us is completed by verifying all of the provider’s documents to ensure that they are valid and current. These documents include their medical license, malpractice insurance, and DEA.

Additional information necessary to complete credentialing:

  • Medical School information
  • Internship/Residency/Fellowship’s Information
  • Board Certifications
  • Provider’s CV

Why choose us?

We take pride in announcing that we are ruling the credentialing industry since our inception due to our outstanding and incredible services. Our cost-effective and easy to access services are preferred by hundreds of providers across the nation. Following are a few reasons that let us outstand in the crowd-

  • We make sure that your data is up-to-date.
  • We also make your payment processing faster and get more patient referrals
  • We make your paperwork and filling-up application forms simpler
  • We help build and maintain relationships with different payer sources.
  • Our team delivers a knowledgeable and comprehensive service
  • Provide useful and genuine recommendations by performing analysis for your specialty and service area 
  • Our service like complete re-credentialing, notifying you of any expiring documents and maintaining your CAQH profile make us our customer’s first choice. 
  • Our team has extensive knowledge and expertise for multiple specialties and services